Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Warring City-States Notes

Transformation of government
During the seventh and sixth centuries BCE, aristocrats ran the show in the most of Greece
Rich people wielded much more influence in society, and held much more governmental power than the middle class or poor
principles, players, companies can make much more money than presidents, and they usually got rich by some other ways

Aristocracy (nice work if you can get it)
Aristocrats: members of the ruling class
They attended symposium, a meeting where elite men enjoyed wine and poetry, performance by dancers and acrobats, and the company of hetaeras (courtesans) while discussing politics, also like a big crazy party
No women (except the entertainment)
No middle class
No slave
No certain aristocrats (no much connection)

Tyrant seize control
Aristocrats who worked together with common people to live better
Tyrant now: Kim Jong-un, Bashar al-Assad
Aristocrats would form alliances with hoplites (well-armed soldiers), and set up an alternative form of government called a tyranny.
Tyrant: someone who rules outside the framework of the  the polis.
Modern meaning of tyrants: an abusive or oppressive ruler.
Greek meaning of tyrant: someone who simply seize the power. (usually with hoplite help)
Someone wanted to be a tyrant so he found a women pretended as Athena and convinced common people

Rules, codes, and laws...
- Draco (621 BCE)
1) all Athenians (rich or poor) are equal under the law
2) death is the punishment for many crimes
3) debt slavery is OK (unfair)
The Code of Hummurabi → created the first rules
People in different classes did something wrong but same would have different punishments, usually rich would only have a mild punishment but poor would have a severe one.
- Solon's reform (594 BCE)
1) outlaw the debt slavery
2) all citizens can speak at assembly (first time came though not everyone)
3) all citizens can press charge against wrongdoers
- Cleisthenes (around 500 BCE)
1) allowed all citizens to submit laws for debate at the assembly
2) created the Council of Five Hundred (members chose randomly, to counsel the assembly) only citizens
Leading to democracy
But only free adult male property owners born in Athens were citizens
No female, no slave, no foreigner

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