Renaissance (1300-1600)
- rebirth (of learning and culture)
- Northern Italy
- center of the action
- wealthy merchants and bankers
- artists inspired by Rome and Greece
- merchants dominated politics
- powerful banking family
- paid people to create works of art
- patrons
Isabella d' Este
- singer, lute player and dancer
- wealthy powerful parents
- sponsored artists
- fashionista
- a interest in what people achieved
- resembles the Greek idea of arete
- classical writings
- secular values (worldly)
- Christian values
Renaissance Man/Woman
- someone master many fields of work
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Isabella d'Este
Artistic styles and methods
- Sculpture
- realistic figures (Pieta)
- Painting
- perspective (fresco)
- freshly laid/wet lime plaster
- pigment plaster
- Literature
- vernacular (previously in Latin or Greek)
- express own thoughts and feelings
- The Prince
- the aims of princes - such as glory and survival - can justify the use of immoral means to achieve those ends
Northern Renaissance
- ideas moved from Italy
- combined with religious ideas
- learning spread rapidly
- due to the printing press
The Printing Press
- Johannes Gutenberg
- revolutionized it in Germany in 1439
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